Every Tuesday Mrs Collins teaches us something special. This term we have been learning about smart relationships. We have talked about smart relationships with our parents, teachers, friends and even smart relationships with people online. On Tuesday we put our smart relationships to the test and we worked together to build a tower out of dried pasta and marshmallows. The tower had to stand by itself for three seconds and the group with the tallest tower won. We all tried very hard but there could only be one winner. Congratulations to Dito and Yavi for their freestanding tower that stood at a whopping 31cm tall.
What a great idea! We are learning about Smart Relationships at school too, would it be ok if we used your idea or something like this at our school? I think it would be really hard not to eat the marshmallows, did you eat any while you were making the towers? I like that you all worked together and were able to make a tower that was able to stand for three seconds! Well done to you all and especially Dito and Yavi, 31cm is a very impressive tower!