
Thursday, December 9, 2021

Guinea Pigs

Guinea Pigs

Room 7 had two special guests today, Nugget and Waffles. Room 7 and Blue Bubbles super Teacher Aid Mrs Megan brought in her two pet guinea pigs Nugget and Waffles and we loved spending time with them. They were very snuggly and scared but they loved eating all the vegetables we fed them, especially the celery. 

Friday, December 3, 2021

Music Day

Music Day

Yesterday we made shakers. We used stickers, colouring in pencils, pretty tape, toilet rolls and rice to make the noise. It involved a lot of cutting, colouring and concentration to make them. Afterwards we went into the music room and started learning the song 'Oh When the Saints' on the xylophones. We are getting really good. We will practice more next week and maybe we will perform it for you.


Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Baking a quiche

 Today we baked a quiche. Check out the photos of us below. If you would like to try and bake your own quiche then look at the recipe below.

Magnificent Blue Bubble Quiche

(no-pastry quiche)


4 eggs

1 ½ cups Milk

½ cup Self raising flour

1 cup grated Cheese

1 Onion

6 rashers Bacon / ham

2 cups vegetables of your choice, peas, sweetcorn, spinach, capsicum etc


Salt and pepper

Equipment needed

Baking dish or muffin pan, greased with butter

Large bowl


Wooden spoon or whisk


Chopping board

Sharp knife

Frying pan


1. Preheat the oven to 180C and grease a large baking dish or muffin pan with butter/oil.

2. Put the eggs, milk and flour into a large bowl and mix together well until ingredients are well combined.

3. Add grated cheese.

4. Chop onion finely and chop up bacon. Add to a fry pan and cook for 5 minutes until the onion is softened and the bacon is beginning to brown. 

5. Then prepare a further two cups of vegetables (corn, peas, capsicum, spinach)

6. Add the onion, bacon and vegetables of your choice to the baking dish or place a small amount in the base of the muffin pan.

7. Pour over egg, milk, flour and cheese mixture.

8. Bake for 40-45 minutes, you will know when it is ready when the quiche is set and golden. If making individual quiches in the muffin pan reduce cooking time to 20-25 minutes.

Teddy Bears Picnic

Today we had a wonderful adventure over to Dunkirk park with our teddies. We slapped on sunblock, slipped on our hat and took our teddies on an adventure. Miss Pryde read us a book then we got to introduce our teddy bears and talk about them a little bit. Afterwards we had lunch then we got to play. It was such a fun day out with our teddies. When we got back we got to eat our jelly from yesterday. It was a super fun day. 

What is your favourite teddy bears name and where did you get it from?

The kids letting their teddy bears climb the tree

Free play for the kids. Aanya and Aaliyah are practicing their handstands

Rest time for Louisiana, Tupe and all the teddies

Who is bigger? Tupe or Big Teddy?

The teddy bear picnic crew.

Lunch time with our teddies.

Story time.

Monday, November 29, 2021

Jellyfish Day

 Today has been a big day. We started off with phonics, we did the 'sh' digraph. Some of us did word finds (it was a hard word find) and others cut out letters to make words, some super speedy learners were able to do both. After morning tea we made jelly which wobbles like jellyfish. We put it into the fridge to cool, we are hoping it will be set before we go home. Next we read a fun book about Jellyfish, it was all about being helpful. When the book was finished we got to do some jellyfish art using water colours. It was super fun and pretty easy too. While the jellyfish art was drying we read a jellyfish poem and read it to three of our friends. 

After lunch we got to go for a walk to the eels at Johnson reserve. We had to do zombie arms and put sunblock all over us because it was so HOT! We wore our sun hats too. The water was a bit yucky today so it was hard to see the eels but we will go back later this week and hopefully they will all be there. When we got back to school we were SO HOT so we all had a cup of ice cold water and read a book in the shade. It was a cool day. 

Friday, November 26, 2021

Scientist Friday

Invisible Ink

- Lemon Juice
- White paper
- Cue tip
- Light source (the bigger the better)

To do this experiment you don't need must, just the four things above. You dip the cue tip into the lemon juice and write your secret message onto the paper. You shine the light onto the paper and it will reveal your secret message. 

Scientist Pryde demonstrating the invisible ink.